Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Want to have Clean Teeth??

Boil few Cloves (Tamil: Lavangam) with water. Store the water in a container & wash you teeth with that water (mostly people try this after their food).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

want to have Clean Face???

Make a Mint leaf Juice and mix with half lemon juice. Apply to your face & keep it for half an hour. Wash your face to see your clean face :-)

Blood Pressure

You can reduce the blood pressure by having below items:

* Mix grape juice with cumin seeds powder (Don't add sugar).

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Importance of Potassium in human body

You need to take healthy food which has more potassium content in it. For normal adult the average amount of potassium to be taken should be in between 3100 - 3400 mg/day.

The following items has more potassium content : Banana, Potato, Tomato, Oranges, Cauliflower, Coconut water, Beet root, Strawberry, greens, Mutton, Chicken & milk e.t,c

Click here for more information.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to remove black spots in your face?

Mix lemon juice with Aloe vera and apply to your face on daily basis. It will remove all the black spots in your face.

How coconut can be used more than one day?

Many times we use the part of coconut and keep the remaining for next cooking. Most of time it will get spoil.
Follow the below ways to preserve the same.

Keep that in inside water or apply salt powder in to the remaining coconut.

The used coconut wont be spoiled even after two days also :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

5 easy steps to pump up your heart

Washington, Jan 12 (ANI): Want to keep your heart healthy? Then you need to know the following.

Holly Andersen, director of education and outreach at the Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital has offered some easy steps to improve heart health and overall well-being throughout the year.tep 1: Know your numbers. Your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels are the most important numbers you will need to know before you begin on the path to good heart health.

Step 2: Start walking. Exercise is the fountain of youth. A simple 20- to 30-minute walk a few days a week can actually reduce the risk of premature death by more than 50 percent.

Step 3: Laugh out loud. Laughter really is the best medicine. Just 15 minutes of laughter is about equivalent to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise with respect to our cardiovascular health. Laughter has also been linked to the healthy function of blood vessels, an increase of the brain hormones that improve mood, and reduction of pain and anxiety.

Step 4: Focus on your waistline, not your weight. Your waistline is a better measurement of your overall health than your weight because the amount of fat around your waistline is directly linked to high blood pressure and high cholesterol and can place you at increased risk for diabetes.

Step 5: Get a good night's sleep. Sleep is one of the most undervalued elements of our daily routines, but it is absolutely vital to good health. Lack of sleep increases your blood pressure, induces stress, increases your appetite and slows down your metabolism, dampens your mood and decreases your cognition. (ANI)